Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Day Hell

I now know why the Founding Father's didn't trust the common American Citizen. The Common Man will always be ignorant and dangerous in masses as witnessed last night. They will agree to bills that take away people's rights like Prop. 8, or throw out the Judge's that allow gays to marry in Iowa. They will not see what is best for the country, only what is good for themselves. To the Republican Party, you are not the party of the Founding Father's, do not sully the reputation of Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton. Do not pretend you know what they would believe because clearly you don't. Things like Gay Marriage, Drug Laws, Immigration etc. should be decided by experts, not the brainwashed masses.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell

A recent attempt to repeal the authoratorian law, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has failed. Well, actually it wouldn’t have, there was a majority, infact there was a complete 13 vote majority (56-43), The Republicans used a filibuster to ensure that it didn’t even go to debate. What has this country come to, when debate can not even occur, mind you this is debate, not a decision, yet the Republicans seem too concerened with election fever that they are not willing to do the right thing. Both Senators from Maine, though they support the repealing of the act, failed to step over the line to aid the destruction of bigotry itself. Think of it this way Senators, while you are sitting on your chairs voting for Bigotry, Homophobia, and unethical acts that shed negative light on the United States, these people want only to serve in the united states armed forces, to make a difference in the world. These men and women want to put their lives on the line and you won’t let them. 13,389 people have been discharged from the military due to this unconstitutional act that you so defend. Pardon my asking, but isn’t it a little oxymoronic, discharging you cannon fodder that you so need for your unethical wars? America contiues to thrive in an air of discrimination, but, that’s nothing new. Blacks, Hispanics, Women, Japanese, you name it the discrimination has been there, and what a surprise who are the majority of the opposition in this act? Old White Men. Grow up Republicans, and stop shoving in the sandbox.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Gay Marriage won't destroy marriage, Love will.

Marriage itself is an archaic custom dating from a different age. Long gone is the idea that marriage is the perfect union in the eyes of god, not that it ever existed that way to begin with. Marriage has always been a social contract, a business venture, a merger of two families, in fact the majority of marriages in time have been prearranged. From the Middle-East to Europe, The parents of men and women have been selling them off to the highest bidder, just like a company, there was no such thing as love, people were just expected to deal with whoever their parents thought appropriate to marry. Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage claim that allowing it would be to degrade the human race, to destroy everything that marriage has stood for, but the truth is Traditional Marriage has already been destroyed. Traditional Marriage was destroyed when people began following their hearts, and find love, thus destroying the very economic principals marriage was created to solve. The proof is in the numbers, in this day and age 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Clearly allowing people to follow their heart and allow them to marry on a whim is what will ultimately result in the destruction of all marriage. Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage say that it harms children and destroys family values. What is more destructive to children? A family with two dads who love them, or a family wrought with physical violence and anger, the ability to only see one of your parents at a time, and the depression that follows a divorce? Clearly if anything at all is to blame for the destruction of Traditional Marriage, its the heterosexual relationships of our time, the accessibility of divorce and lack of interest in the well being of our children as a result of such divorces. So why not give them a chance, clearly the more dangerous marriage any one that fails. Not that all homosexual marriages will work, in fact many will not, that is assured in our time where getting a divorce is easier then getting a job, but if half the marriages right now are doomed to fail, why not increase the number of marriages and push that percentage down. If it doesn't work, and society really does disintegrate due to two men holding hands, society can reevaluate it, but for now give it a try, you never know if something works or not until you try it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Some Quotes

"A man who has both feet planted firmly in the air can be safely called a liberal as opposed to the conservative, who has both feet firmly planted in his mouth."-Jacques Barzun

"Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top.” Edward Abbey

"A Liberal is a man afraid of losing his privileges. A Conservative is a man afraid OF his privileges."

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid defiance to the laws of our country." - Thomas Jefferson

"All for ourselves, and nothing for other people, seems, in every age of the world, to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind." - Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

"No society can surely be flourishing and happy when part of the members are poor and miserable." - Adam Smith, Wealth Of Nations

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy” - James Madison

"Liberalism is trust of the people tempered by prudence. Conservatism is distrust of the people tempered by fear." - W.E. Gladstone

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Conservative Man

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Another ingenious quote from another great politician, Franklin Delano arguably the greatest president to live at the White House. He states that the conservative man has no ability to adapt to the changing times. He is rigid in his stance, and wants to go back to an earlier point in history. It is somewhat understandable, sometimes people just want to stay in the prime of their life and never age. They don't want the nation to change without them either. The problem is, time only flows one way. Like it or not you can not halt the progress of a nation without its destruction. That's what conservatives fail to see, there is no going back to the good old days when they were allowed to own slaves and beat women, because progress will always win. With this sense in mind, why do people still try? Time stops for no one, why do they think it will for them?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Liberty for Safety

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety, and will lose both." --- Benjamin Franklin

A completely accurate point, said by one of the Founding Fathers. He tells us that we cannot sacrifice our own personal liberties for the sake of a little temporary safety. Nothing is more accurate in this day and age with the US P.A.T.R.I.O.T act looming over our shoulders. A fine example of how right the Founding Fathers could be on some things. How can a person give up liberty to insure safety, when safety can never possibly be assured. Any number of things could still happen regardless of you throwing away your personal liberties. If one keeps throwing away liberties to try to get a little more security eventually we will wind up with nothing. The government will control every aspect of our lives. At that point will it really matter if we are safe, we will not be truly alive.


One of the largest factors that turn’s many new age thinkers off of religion is the hypocrisy within the religious communities, specifically in the United States of America and Europe. The foundation of Christianity lies within the beliefs that one should always love and respect the people around them, and that everyone is equal. Throughout history the Christian community has not stuck well with this plan. Whether it be the Crusades, or the 1960’s America Christianity has been putting down people around the world and in their own countries.

One of the biggest problems that free thinkers have right now with Christianity is the politically active sect of Christianity. From the moments that Conservative Christianity was born, the Left Wing Secularists were immediately alienated. These Neo-Conservatives believed that laws should be based off of the will of god as they saw. They tried to enforce their version of morality upon the people of the USA. These Christians lost their connection to any form of Christianity. These Christians believed that war was the right way to solve conflicts and homosexuals were lesser humans. They did not love their neighbors as themselves; instead they looked to alienate the people that did not accept their moral opinions as fact. In this new age, many leading Christians such as the pope, dictated that Christianity was not only the singular way to get to the afterlife, but also that anyone that did not believe in Christianity or follow their “morals” was to burn in hell, a concept of absolute torture for all of eternity. Yes, the Christians whom were told by Jesus to love everyone and never hate, believed that people that didn’t follow their will were to burn in hell. Needless to say, people were afraid. People worried, “What if there really is a hell and I have to spend all eternity within it,” so they took the choice that they felt would give them the best opportunity to get to heaven. The French Philosopher and Mathematician of the 17th, Blaise Pascal, most famous for his Pascal Triangle a detail of Polynomial Expansion, Pascal exclaimed, “It is better to believe and god not exist, then to deny his existence and be wrong.” Blaise Pascal is illustrating the chief point that Christians use to convince people of his existence by guilting people into believing it is true. They make people afraid and think, “What if there really is a small chance that there is god?” Of course these people will choose god over living an eternity in hell if he doesn’t exist, but they are thinking more that the followers who turn a blind eye to scientific proof and accept all of the rhetoric shoved down their throats.

The current estimated number of Christians on earth is around 2.2 Billion that is 2,200,000,000, which is around 1/3 of entire population of the world. Many Christians, especially the leaders of the church would argue that this is proof that Christianity is the one right religion, and that it must be true if 2.2 billion people believe it. The means from which Christianity grew this much is horrendous. The majority of Christianity was spread through war and on the backseat of the racist ideas of Social Darwinism.

Imagine a war, when one people conquer another people they usually bring their ideas about the world and religion with them. This is what happened in the early 15th century with the invasion of Central and South America by the Spanish Conquistadors. Not only did they enslave and destroy the culture and population of the native Maya and Inca, they also brought along their religion, which happened to be Christianity and preached it to all the people living there. They regarded the Maya and Inca as uncivilized and portrayed their religion as an evil, devil worshiping cult that worship people upon periods. To this day the ancient Maya and Inca memories have been desecrated by the belief by modern people that they performed such rituals. This fact has never been proven by any historians. The Christians of Spain ruined these people and in the process of it converted most everyone to Christianity. Christianity is the most prominent religion now with all of Central and South America.

This same thing happened in Africa during the 19th century by “Missionaries.” Social Darwinism was a popular theory that some humans were better than others, and naturally on the coattails of this was Christianity was a much better and civilized alternative to what the tribal Africans were now practicing. These missionaries went into Africa as the European countries were conquering their land and basically said, “Look at us, look how civilized we are because we are Christians.” This is the ultimate ironic statement considering the ones slaughtering people were the Christians who love their neighbors as themselves.

After the Imperial Conquests of Africa by the European states, these lands were interchanged through the hands of different countries. This is in no way singularly isolated to Europe. The United States of America, which, by many of the ignorant fools who buy into every statement of the church, think is a Christian nation, invaded the island nation of Hawai’i in the mid 1900’s. They took this virgin nation by force and raped its resources and society. They shortened its name to Hawaii because it was more “Americanized.”

These perverse acts were committed by the same people that consider the USA a Christian nation. Although these actions were not sanctioned by the church directly it shows the hypocrisy of the followers of this religion. In the early 1900’s the majority Roman Catholic state of Italy invaded Ethiopia, who throughout the years of conquest by the imperialist Europeans, remained an independent country and in the process beat Italy in a war. The Italians, like any good spiteful, vengeful, self contradicting Christians returned after the invention of hand held machine guns and slaughtered the Ethiopians in the thousands, there were approximately 750,000 causalities. This shows the inability of the Christians to follow their “Sacred” Scriptures.

Nowadays, Christians within the United States still on occasion perpetuate these violent outbursts. On May 31, 2009, George Tiller was murdered inside of his own church by Scott Roeder. Roeder was a right wing extremist Christian who was a rigid pro-lifer. George Tiller was one of the last remaining abortion specialists who performed late-term abortions. Roeder shot Tiller in the head at point blank during Sunday Mass. This man, Roeder, claimed to be pro-life. How pro-life can one be if they consciously choose to take a gun up to person’s head and pull the trigger? The obvious contradiction easily shows us that their testaments can not be taken seriously.

Although they are the majority within the United States, these Christians ideas should be made sure to never enter the constitution, even if we must enforce separation of church and state by force. If the United States was ever to become a theocracy it would be a huge step backwards, and eventually we would be returned to a nation where Women stayed in the house and Black men and women were slaves to wealthy white men.

Monday, May 31, 2010

God in America

A response to an message about the words "so help us god" not being included on the WWII monument.

God has not always been part of this nation. The United States was founded under religious freedom. By placing one person's beliefs above the others, you are going against everything the Founding Fathers did. By using the word "God" in government functions, you are saying that religions with one god are favored above those with multiple gods or no gods per se. The institutions of the United States government must be kept secular if we are to have any hope of rational debate and passage of rational laws. Religion is based on Faith, an irrational notion of belief. Government should be founded on the principles of truth and fact. If there is no proof of a certain thing, then it should not be included in government.

As for the motto "In god we trust" and "under god" on coins and the pledge of allegiance.

"in god we trust originally began gaining popularity during the civil war, and first appeared on a coin in 1864, nearly 100 years after the Founding Fathers. It became the official motto in the year 1956, 180 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It was made the motto, because the United States was engaged in Cold War with an Atheist nation. This was during the time of the Red Scare and McCarthy and his gang needed to press their faith on the United States. The words "under god" in the Pledge appeared around the same time.

The majority of the Founding Fathers themselves were not Christian. Most of them were Deists, the belief in a creator, like a watchmaker, who makes his product, and then lets it run without intervention. They knew the dangers of State-Sponsored religion, and as such they did not want it.

For the Quote on the WW2 Memorial. Its not like they took out the middle of the quote. They just ended it early, which is totally acceptable and does not change the message. We have so many more important things to be doing in the world and out country now, we should not be worrying about who's religion is right.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Unified Korea

North Korea, long a pesky fly to the rest of the world is at it again. Recently they have once again made moves against their rivals South Korea. The sinking of the Cheonan is a direct repeat of the moves they made in the 1950's. North Korea is always looking for a conflict in their short history after the splitting of South and North after the Second World War, and once again they have killed South Koreans. 46 men with wives and children were killed in that attack, and the world can not continue to allow North Korea to disrupt the lives of the the South anymore. Originally the purpose of splitting the country in two was for the USSR to control half and the United States to control the other. With the fall of the Soviet Union now 19 years ago, and improved relations between the two nations, there is no need for a divided nation of Korea. Although the two governments do not share relations, the people of both nations share one nationality, that of being a Korean. In fact the people of North Korea for the most part are not content with the oppression their government forces upon them. The citizens of North Korea would be happy to see a change in leadership, and this delicate time is the perfect opportunity to unify the long warring nations into one Korea.

The United States must intervene in the affairs of Korea if the North attacks the South again. A swift transition of power must be ensured, a five year war is not an option with the current economic situation in the west. And unlike the previous conflict with the North Koreans, they have will have no Allies pulling strings, Stalin won't be there baby-sitting, and China has too much invested in the United States to oppose the regime change and provide reinforcements to the North Koreans. Either through political or military means Kim Jong-il must be forced out of power and instead replaced by a regime allied with the United States. The current president of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak would be a great replacement, and would allow the United States continued relations with the Unified Korea. Unifying Korea will give Long and Short term benefits to America as well. In the short term it will remove a nuclear threat, and replace it with a staunch, grateful ally. In the long run, the United States will have much more power in East Asia, instead of only having an ally in half a country, they will have a unified nation as an ally. In conjunction with Japan, the United States will be able to watch China and Russia from a much closer angle. The unification of Korea is important for both the safety of the world, and the safety of the United States' world power.