Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Conservative Man

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward." --- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Another ingenious quote from another great politician, Franklin Delano arguably the greatest president to live at the White House. He states that the conservative man has no ability to adapt to the changing times. He is rigid in his stance, and wants to go back to an earlier point in history. It is somewhat understandable, sometimes people just want to stay in the prime of their life and never age. They don't want the nation to change without them either. The problem is, time only flows one way. Like it or not you can not halt the progress of a nation without its destruction. That's what conservatives fail to see, there is no going back to the good old days when they were allowed to own slaves and beat women, because progress will always win. With this sense in mind, why do people still try? Time stops for no one, why do they think it will for them?

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